how could i get back my user name and password?
I got one to SageMath, but i cannot longer remember my password and username. Where can i look up for that?
asked 2016-11-09 19:47:40 +0100
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I got one to SageMath, but i cannot longer remember my password and username. Where can i look up for that?
Every log in password is associated to an email address.. you can search your email for the username or password (or possibly request for a new password maybe)
If you are trying to access your account on SageMathCloud at, click on "Forgot password?" at the top of that page.
If you are talking about access to the Sage Notebook for the version of Sage installed on your computer, see this ask-sage question.
Simply type
A new password will be requested to you.
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Asked: 2016-11-09 19:47:40 +0100
Seen: 962 times
Last updated: Nov 10 '16