getting the value of Python variable from a markdown text

asked 8 years ago

wannik gravatar image

updated 8 years ago

How can I obtain the value of Python variable from markdown? I'd like to write both problem and a computed solution using markdown. The solution is obtained from Python script. Therefore, I'd to access Python variable from markdown.

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Could you be more precise about your use case ? Which Sage interfacedo you use ? Is the markdown in a cell or in a separate file ? What is witten in you markdown ? ...

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 8 years ago )

I edited the question. Hope it is clearer.

wannik gravatar imagewannik ( 8 years ago )

Markdown is not a programming language, and it does not know how to handle a variable. I am not sure about your exact request. Do you want a similar feature than sagetex but with markdown instead of LaTeX ? Perhaps could you find good ideas from sagetex source code.

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 8 years ago )