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number fields and irreducible polynomials

asked 2016-10-02 07:26:00 +0100

Semin gravatar image

updated 2016-10-03 05:43:00 +0100

Hello gentle people. Let's see an example.


The extension field of F by g cannot obtained by F.extension(g(s),'s') although we input s=var('s') before. Because g is reducible in F. ( g=(x^2-4I)(x^2+4I) )

Can I check irreducibility of a polynomial in a number field?

Is there any method which makes a number field by given polynomial?

Thanks in advance.

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1 Answer

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answered 2016-10-02 21:47:36 +0100

tmonteil gravatar image

updated 2016-10-03 13:45:38 +0100

You should define g as an element of the univariate polynomial ring with coefficients in F:

sage: R.<y> = F[]
sage: R
Univariate Polynomial Ring in y over Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 + 4
sage: g = y^4+16
sage: g.parent()
Univariate Polynomial Ring in y over Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 + 4
sage: g.is_irreducible()
sage: g.factor()
(y^2 - 2*a) * (y^2 + 2*a)

EDIT If you want the splitting field of g, together with a map to embed F into it, you can do:

sage: g.splitting_field('b')
Number Field in b with defining polynomial y^4 + 1
sage: g.splitting_field('b', map=True)
(Number Field in b with defining polynomial y^4 + 1, Ring morphism:
   From: Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 + 4
   To:   Number Field in b with defining polynomial y^4 + 1
   Defn: a |--> 2*b^2)
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Hmm.. That's good information but when I have some more polynomials, it looks hard to control variables. When I want to get the splitting field of f1,f2,...,fn which are irreducible in the field of rationals, then I have to make R1.<y1>, R2.<y2>,...,Rn.<yn>, right?

Semin gravatar imageSemin ( 2016-10-03 16:14:14 +0100 )edit

Well, you can use the same x all the time, but then you should be careful that along your computation, it soed not belong to the same parent, i chosed another indeterminate to avoid confusions.

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 2016-10-03 20:23:36 +0100 )edit

Okay, I see. Thank you very much. :-)

Semin gravatar imageSemin ( 2016-10-03 23:01:20 +0100 )edit

^_^ .

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 2016-10-03 23:54:34 +0100 )edit

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Asked: 2016-10-02 07:26:00 +0100

Seen: 907 times

Last updated: Oct 03 '16