500: Internal server error
I had this problem for the first time a long time ago. I couldn't solve it. It occurs when I want to download worksheets through the server, but only with one or two of them especially.
I tried, by the past, to create a totally new worksheet, to copy and paste all the contain of each cell and save and try again to download, the same problem occurs.
It's really annoying, I searched, I didn't find anything on the web.
Any solutions ? Thank you for anyone who has the solution.
Can you tell us more about your situation? Is this SageMathCloud, a local notebook server, etc? Is it in virtual machine, Mac, Linux... ? Which version of Sage? The answer may depend on this. Which browser?
It's installed on my own linux (Xubuntu 16.04) as a server, i.e. local notebook server, yes. The current version is 7.2, Ihavn't yet upraded it to 7.3, because it's not yet in the depositories of my software manager. However, it'll be soon I guess. But I had this problem with the anterior versions too. I work on firefox.
Hmm, I haven't experienced that. Do you see anything appearing in the terminal?
I didn't had the idea to look at the terminal, but now you mention it, yes, seems to be an error with ascii characters: http://pastebin.com/6ggKYUqz All that occurs when I press "Download". That's the entire result.