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Displaying large prime numbers as 10^a + x?

asked 2016-08-25 01:40:27 +0100

sagemath1993 gravatar image

updated 2016-08-25 02:09:55 +0100

I just started using SAGE and I wanted to display my large prime numbers as 10^a + x, rather than it having it spit out a ton of zeros.

So far my code looks like

P= next_prime(10^a);
next_prime(P)- next_prime(10^a);

With this, it outputs the very large number and while I know how to write it down as 10^a + x (in this case, 10^100 + 949), how do I add that to the code so it would display it like that?

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answered 2016-08-25 03:12:37 +0100

updated 2016-08-25 03:27:17 +0100

One simple way is to use a formatted Python string like

'10^{} + {}'.format(a,difference)

Here's some code that prints the decomposition of the first five primes above 10^a:

a = 100
p = 10^a

for i in range(0,5):
    p = next_prime(p)
    print( '10^{} + {}'.format(a, p - 10^a) )

and here's a live example.

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Thank you! It seems my code is displaying the 2nd prime and the difference between the 2nd and 1st prime after 10^a instead of displaying the first prime after 10^a

sagemath1993 gravatar imagesagemath1993 ( 2016-08-25 03:43:09 +0100 )edit

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Asked: 2016-08-25 01:40:27 +0100

Seen: 317 times

Last updated: Aug 25 '16