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Solving a fifth degree polynomial

asked 2016-08-12 19:44:34 +0200

Romuald_314 gravatar image

I want to solve a fifth degree polynomial such as this: x^5-5x^4-10x^3-10x^2-5x-1 == 0

I can't obtain any value, neither the exact value with radicals, nor approximation (with the solve command or the .roots(x) command).

How can I do ? Thx

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2 Answers

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answered 2016-08-12 21:36:55 +0200

nbruin gravatar image

Be specific on what kind of roots you want to find (rational ones? real ones? complex ones?)

sage: f=x^5-5*x^4-10*x^3-10*x^2-5*x-1
sage: f.roots(ring=RR)
[(6.72502395887258, 1)]
sage: f.roots(ring=CC)
[(6.72502395887258, 1),
 (-0.461764344593279 - 0.161600091968187*I, 1),
 (-0.461764344593279 + 0.161600091968187*I, 1),
 (-0.400747634843009 - 0.678737070411573*I, 1),
 (-0.400747634843009 + 0.678737070411573*I, 1)]
sage: f.roots(ring=QQbar)
[(6.725023958872576?, 1),
 (-0.4617643445932788? - 0.1616000919681873?*I, 1),
 (-0.4617643445932788? + 0.1616000919681873?*I, 1),
 (-0.4007476348430091? - 0.6787370704115728?*I, 1),
 (-0.4007476348430091? + 0.6787370704115728?*I, 1)]
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All ones. Can I obtain the ones with the exact value (nth roots) instaid of approximations ? Thanks for your answer, it already helps me.

Romuald_314 gravatar imageRomuald_314 ( 2016-08-18 12:02:48 +0200 )edit

Well, if you use ring=QQbar you get objects that are essentially carrying enough information to consider them "exact". However, for roots of fifth degree polynomials, there is likely no better "exact" description of them than "these are roots of this fifth degree polynomial". You can easily get arbitrarily good complex approximations out of elements of QQbar, though.

nbruin gravatar imagenbruin ( 2016-08-20 06:28:25 +0200 )edit

Ok, because I didn't give this example at random, actually it has only one real root explainable with roots (I had read it in a document on polynomials on the web but I can't find it back, I wish I could show you). This is that root I wanted to find...

Romuald_314 gravatar imageRomuald_314 ( 2016-08-25 09:45:53 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-04-06 21:23:47 +0200

dan_fulea gravatar image

We just see that the given polynomial is $2x^5-(x+1)^5$ and we are done.

If the computer is still needed, than the following lines investigate the factorization and the roots in sage:

sage: K.<z>  = CyclotomicField( 5 )
sage: RK.<X> = K[]
sage: F.<a>  = K.extension( X^5-2 )
sage: RF.<x> = F[]
sage: P = x^5 - 5*x^4 - 10*x^3 -10*x^2 - 5*x - 1

sage: for f in P.factor():    print f
(x + (z^3 + z^2 + z + 1)*a^4 - z^3*a^3 - z^2*a^2 - z*a - 1, 1)
(x - z^2*a^4 + (z^3 + z^2 + z + 1)*a^3 - z*a^2 - z^3*a - 1, 1)
(x - z*a^4 - z^2*a^3 - z^3*a^2 + (z^3 + z^2 + z + 1)*a - 1, 1)
(x - z^3*a^4 - z*a^3 + (z^3 + z^2 + z + 1)*a^2 - z^2*a - 1, 1)
(x - a^4 - a^3 - a^2 - a - 1, 1)

sage: P.roots( multiplicities=False)
[(-z^3 - z^2 - z - 1)*a^4 + z^3*a^3 + z^2*a^2 + z*a + 1,
 z^2*a^4 + (-z^3 - z^2 - z - 1)*a^3 + z*a^2 + z^3*a + 1,
 z*a^4 + z^2*a^3 + z^3*a^2 + (-z^3 - z^2 - z - 1)*a + 1,
 z^3*a^4 + z*a^3 + (-z^3 - z^2 - z - 1)*a^2 + z^2*a + 1,
 a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1]

In the above, $z$ is $\zeta=\zeta_5$, a primitive root of order $5$ of one. And $a$ is $2^{1/5}$.

The five roots are found manually by starting with the equation $2x^5=(x+1)^5$, dividing by $x^5$, so we get equivalently $\left(1+\frac 1x\right)^5=2$. So $\left(1+\frac 1x\right)^5=a\zeta^k$ for $k$ among $0,1,2,3,4$. This gives immediately: $$ x = -\frac 1{1-a\zeta^k} = \frac {1-(a\zeta^k)^5}{1-a\zeta^k} = 1 +a\zeta^k +a^2\zeta^{2k} +a^3\zeta^{3k} +a^4\zeta^{4k}\ . $$ One of the roots is thus $1+a+a^2+a^3+a^4$. For $k=0$. The others are obtained from it by replacing $a$ with a (conjugate) root of $X^5-2$.


If the coin is not immediately falling while typing the polynomial, then asking

sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
sage: P = x^5 - 5*x^4 - 10*x^3 -10*x^2 - 5*x - 1
sage: P.galois_group()

may help. I've got an error mess...
verbose 0 (2072:, cardinality) Warning: TransitiveGroups requires the GAP database package. Please install it with sage -i database_gap.

But instead of making it work, the following was enough for me:

dan ~$ gp
Reading GPRC: /etc/gprc ...Done.

PARI/GP is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and comes 

?  P = 2*x^5 - (x+1)^5
%1 = x^5 - 5*x^4 - 10*x^3 - 10*x^2 - 5*x - 1
? polgalois( P )
%2 = [20, -1, 1, "F(5) = 5:4"]
? ?polgalois
polgalois(T): Galois group of the polynomial T (see manual for group coding). 
Return [n, s, k, name] where n is the group order, s the signature, k the index 
and name is the GAP4 name of the transitive group.

The order is making the group solvable already.

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Asked: 2016-08-12 19:44:34 +0200

Seen: 1,246 times

Last updated: Apr 06 '17