polynomials in finite field: extracting coefficients
Hi i would like to go a bit deeper than this question
F.<e> = GF(16)
p = e.minpoly()
x^4 + x + 1
R.<x> = PolynomialRing(F)
g in R
f in R
(e^3 + e^2 + e + 1)*x + e^3 + e
(1) it looks like f is not recognized as a polynomial as it was defined as a rational function which happened to simplify into a polynomial. As such, trying to use a method like f.list() or f.coeff() would cause an error
AttributeError: 'FractionFieldElement_1poly_field' object has no attribute 'degree'
(2) it happens that the coefficient for x is actually equal to e^12, and the constant coefficient is e^9 is there an option when working in GF(16) to display every element as a power of e instead of a linear combination of 1,e,e^2,e^3 ?