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Plotting solution to O.D.E.

asked 2016-05-10 18:51:02 +0100

jofk gravatar image

updated 2016-05-10 19:11:25 +0100

tmonteil gravatar image


I just started using sage yesterday, and I'm trying to plot a solution to an ODE. Here is my code:

t = var('t')  
c = function('c',t)  
s = 0.025  
n = 10^8  
r = 10^(-6)  
ode = diff(c,t)==r*c*(1-c)*n+s/(1+s*c)*c*(1-c)  
sol1 = desolve(de=ode, ivar=t, dvar=c,ics=[0,2])  
sol1 = sol1.simplify_full()  
solc = solve(sol1,c)  

sage returns a solution for solc:

solc = solve(sol1,c); solc  
[log(c(t)) == 4001/40*t + 1/164040*log(4201) + log(2) - 1/164040*log(100*c(t) + 4001) + 164041/164040*log(c(t) - 1)]

The error message I get is:

verbose 0 (3517:, generate_plot_points) WARNING: When plotting, failed to evaluate function at 200 points.  
verbose 0 (3517:, generate_plot_points) Last error message: 'unable to simplify to float approximation'

Is there any way to plot this?

Thanks in advance.

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note that to put a block of code, instead of a quote (with ">"), you should add four spaces for each line. It can be done by clicking on the 0101010 button.

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 2016-05-10 19:12:17 +0100 )edit

The problem is that your solution seems to not have been solved (perhaps can't be) for c(t) by Sage's solver. You could conceivably try an implicit plot?

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 2016-05-10 19:55:34 +0100 )edit

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answered 2016-05-11 05:27:24 +0100

updated 2016-05-13 23:53:25 +0100

As @kcrisman said, try an implicit plot. For example:

var('c t')
implicit_plot(log(c)== 4001/40*t + 1/164040*log(4201) + log(2) - 1/164040*log(100*c + 4001) + 164041/164040*log(c - 1),(t,0,.1),(c,0,10),aspect_ratio=.01)

Here's an updated link to see the result.

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That example helps a lot! Thank you.

jofk gravatar imagejofk ( 2016-05-11 14:19:50 +0100 )edit

@jofk if this answers your question, let me invite you to accept it (by clicking on the check mark on the top left of the answer).

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 2016-05-11 17:29:12 +0100 )edit

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Asked: 2016-05-10 18:51:02 +0100

Seen: 604 times

Last updated: May 13 '16