Substitution of several variables
Let f=f(x1(t),x2(t)) be defined as follows:
sage: var('t mu')
sage: x=list()
sage: x.append( function('x1')(t) )
sage: x.append( function('x2')(t) )
sage: f = x[0] - mu*x[0]^2*x[1]
sage: f
Now, I need to to substitute the term containing x21(t)x2(t) in f by some new auxiliary variable x3(t), that is, to obtain f=x1(t)−μx3(t). However, this code doesn't work:
sage: x.append( function('x3')(t) )
sage: f.subs({x[0]^2*x[1] : x[2]})
Some ideas? Thanks.
This code is motivated by symbolic manipulation with ODEs (think of f as being the right-hand side term in the autonomous ODE system ˙x(t)=f(x(t)) ).