how to user a external program to plot graphic?

asked 9 years ago

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how to user a external program to plot graphic? ex: gnuplot, xmaxima, mgnuplot....

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There is an interface to the Gnuplot interpreter, see :

ndomes gravatar imagendomes ( 9 years ago )

I really want to see the graphics out of sagemath, in another window (ex: gnuplot.plot3d (f = 'cos (x) + sin (y) * 2', xmin = -1, xmax = 1, ymin = -1, ymax = 1, -1 = zmin, zmax = 1, title = None, samples = 25 = 20 isosamples, xlabel = x, ylabel = 'y', interact = True)). Is okay only the first visualization, then does not work. I could not see 2d.

jmarcellopereira gravatar imagejmarcellopereira ( 9 years ago )