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Define a factor of an equation

asked 9 years ago

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I have the following code :

p, t= var('p t')
c=(p*t^2-p^2*t)+(t^2+2*t*p+p^2)+t-p  #3 sides (a,b,c) in terms of theta and phi [equation (1.1)]

which yields

(3*p*t^2 - 2*p^2 - 2*p*t + t^2 + p + 2*t + 1)^2

I want to use the factor (3*p*t^2 - 2*p^2 - 2*p*t + t^2 + p + 2*t + 1) in my next command. How should I define that. Like I want to set m = 3*p*t^2 - 2*p^2 - 2*p*t + t^2 + p + 2*t + 1. Tried using operand() but did not help much

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answered 9 years ago

vdelecroix gravatar image

Is that what you want

sage: s = factor(2*c^2+2*a^2-b^2)
sage: s.operands()
[3*p*t^2 - 2*p^2 - 2*p*t + t^2 + p + 2*t + 1, 2]
sage: m = s.operands()[0]
sage: m
3*p*t^2 - 2*p^2 - 2*p*t + t^2 + p + 2*t + 1
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Thank you @vdelecroix !! This worked for me. Earlier i did not include [0]

Sha gravatar imageSha ( 9 years ago )

The brackets [0] are used to access items of a list. If you want to use the power you can do

sage: s.operands()[1]
vdelecroix gravatar imagevdelecroix ( 9 years ago )

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Asked: 9 years ago

Seen: 292 times

Last updated: Oct 23 '15