High memory usage when substituting variables

asked 9 years ago

Olof Bergvall gravatar image

updated 2 years ago

tmonteil gravatar image

I need to make a lot of variable substitutions in multivariate polynomials. However, I only need to store one polynomial at a time and I only need to make one substitution at a time. Nonetheless sage uses a lot of memory. This memory is not freed until sage is killed.

Here is a small example:

var("x y z")

# A polynomial in three variables (The Trott quartic):


# Makes a certain variable subsitution, defined by pt, n times.
def test_subs(f,pt,n):
    for i in xrange(n):
        #temp=f(x=x+pt[0]*z,y=y+pt[1]*z,z=pt[2]*z) #This also uses a lot of memory.

When i run test_subs(poly,pnt,100000) I can see the memory usage ticking up from around 1% up to nearly 2%. if I then run the function again the ticking starts at 2%, and so on. In the real problem I have my program eventually fills up all memory and then crashes.

Can you see why this is happening and do you know how to prevent it from happening?

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I confirm the steady increase. This is not reduced by gc.collect(). Maybe it is a Singular issue (Singular is used by Sage in case of multivariate polynomials).

rws gravatar imagerws ( 9 years ago )

Maybe http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/17494 is related. In any case the output of get_memory_usage() increases too.

rws gravatar imagerws ( 9 years ago )

This is almost certainly a Singular problem. The example is not leaving an undue number python objects around. Furthermore, the symbolic ring can be taken out completely and the problem persists. If you declare:


you can declare the polynomial immediately, and x,y,z will be actual polynomials. This suggests that sage/singular is currently leaking even on basic polynomial arithmetic . I find it hard to believe that this would go unnoticed in Singular proper, so I expect that this leak has a different origin from the one in #17494.

nbruin gravatar imagenbruin ( 9 years ago )

Still there in sage 9.3.rc4

sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
sage: import gc
sage: _ = gc.collect(); get_memory_usage()
sage: for _ in range(100000): _ = (x*y + x^2 + 2*z).subs(x=x+y, y=y+2*x, z=x-y)
sage: _ = gc.collect(); get_memory_usage()
sage: for _ in range(100000): _ = (x*y + x^2 + 2*z).subs(x=x+y, y=y+2*x, z=x-y)
sage: _ = gc.collect(); get_memory_usage()

Looks like #27261

vdelecroix gravatar imagevdelecroix ( 3 years ago )

The bug is still present in Sage 10.2.beta1. The bugreport now lives at https://github.com/sagemath/sage/issu...

Max Alekseyev gravatar imageMax Alekseyev ( 1 year ago )