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Sage is not returning all solutions to equations modulo n

asked 9 years ago

Acanti gravatar image

updated 9 years ago

calc314 gravatar image

I am trying to find all 2x2 matrices S over Z/9Z such that S3=I, where I is the identity matrix. I am currently using the following procedure:

S = matrix(SR, 2, [[a,b],[c,d]]);
l=solve_mod([S3[0,0]==1,S3[0,1]==0,S3[1,0]==0,S3[1,1]==1], 9);

The list of solutions (there are 207) I receive does not include S=[[1,3],[3,1]], for example, which does in fact satisfy S3=I. I am new to Sage, is there something I am missing? How can I get a complete list of solutions?

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answered 9 years ago

fidbc gravatar image

Trying to find them using brute force isn't that bad. The following worked for me

import itertools
for a,b,c,d in itertools.product(Z9,repeat=4):
    if I==M^3:

The length of the list seems to be 297 though, but the 39th element seems to be the one that was missing from your list.

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Thanks! This will fix my current problem, but I am still concerned for when I use larger matrices, and/or a different modulus. If anyone has ideas on a really efficient way to do this in general, I would love to hear them.

Acanti gravatar imageAcanti ( 9 years ago )

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Asked: 9 years ago

Seen: 360 times

Last updated: Jun 24 '15