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How to build a matrix thought of as an array of smaller matrices?

asked 9 years ago

phoenix gravatar image

updated 9 years ago

Say I am given a data set which looks like [(0,2,A),(0,3,B),(1,2,C),(1,4,D)] where A,B,C,D are matrices all of the same dimension say k. (the data set will always have unique pairs of integers - as in if (1,2,) tuple occurs then (2,1,) tuple will not occur)

Now I want to create a 4x4 matrix say X of dimension 4k thought of as a 4x4 array of k-dimensional matrices. The arrays in X are to be defined as X(0,2)=A,X(2,0)=A1,X(0,3)=B,X(3,0)=B1,X(1,2)=C,X(2,1)=C1,X(1,4)=D,X(4,1)=D1 and all other array positions in X are to be filled in with 0 matrices of dimension k.

  • How can one create such a X on SAGE?

    X is a matrix of matrices and I am not sure how one can define this on SAGE. Like saying "X(0,3) = B" is not going to make any obvious sense to SAGE. I necessarily need X to be a matrix so that i can later say calculate its characteristic polynomial.

[I showed this above example with just 4 tuples. I want to eventually do it with much larger data sets]

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answered 9 years ago

Francis Clarke gravatar image

The block_matrix construction will do what you want. An example follows.

I first set up a dictionary containing data of the kind you discussed (I'm assuming that the final entry in your data set should be (1,3,D) if you want a 4k by 4k matrix )

sage: d = {}
sage: d[0, 2] = matrix([[5, 11], [1, 2]])
sage: d[0, 3] = matrix([[2, 3], [1, 1]])
sage: d[1, 2] = matrix([[-1, 3], [0, -1]])
sage: d[1, 3] = matrix([[4, 9], [-1, -2]])

Then I defined a 4 by 4 array of zero matrices and put the data matrices in the appropriate positions

sage: m = [[matrix(2, 2, 0)]*4 for _ in range(4)]
sage: for i in range(4):
....:     for j in range(4):
....:         if (i, j) in d:
....:             m[i][j] = d[i, j]
....:         elif (j, i) in d:
....:             m[i][j] = d[j, i].inverse()


sage: block_matrix(m)
[ 0  0| 0  0| 5 11| 2  3]
[ 0  0| 0  0| 1  2| 1  1]
[ 0  0| 0  0|-1  3| 4  9]
[ 0  0| 0  0| 0 -1|-1 -2]
[-2 11|-1 -3| 0  0| 0  0]
[ 1 -5| 0 -1| 0  0| 0  0]
[-1  3|-2 -9| 0  0| 0  0]
[ 1 -2| 1  4| 0  0| 0  0]

All the usual matrix methods are available, e.g.,

sage: block_matrix(m).rank()
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(1) Why does d[0,2] make sense? d is not a matrix but just an empty list. If assigning matrices to d's tuple coordinates make sense then why not just read the data and list and assign the appropriate matrices to d's corresponding positions?

phoenix gravatar imagephoenix ( 9 years ago )

(2) Can you explain this " m = [[matrix(2, 2, 0)]*4 for _ in range(4)]" ? What exactly is this doing? Is m not defined as a matrix at this step?

phoenix gravatar imagephoenix ( 9 years ago )

(3) And why is "d={}" different from starting as "d=[]" ?

phoenix gravatar imagephoenix ( 9 years ago )

This is mostly fairly basic python syntax:

(1) d is not an empty list; it is a dictionary.

(2) m is a list of four lists of four 2 by 2 zero matrices. It is not a matrix, but (after it is modified) it is used to create a (block) matrix. The command could have been written as m = [[matrix(2, 2, 0) for j in range(4)] for i in range(4)]

(3) d = {} creates an empty dictionary; d = [] creates an empty list.

Francis Clarke gravatar imageFrancis Clarke ( 9 years ago )

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Asked: 9 years ago

Seen: 896 times

Last updated: May 09 '15