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Performance issues with parallel decoration

asked 2015-03-03 02:04:53 +0200

ikol gravatar image

updated 2015-03-03 03:45:39 +0200

calc314 gravatar image

Experimenting with @parallel resulted in unexpected performance issues in Sage 6.4.1. Here is a very simple example:

@parallel(p_iter='multiprocessing', ncpus=6)
def f(n):
    return factor(n)
r = range(1,1000000)
p = sorted(list( f(r)))
print walltime(t)

for i in range(1,1000000):
print walltime(t)

I have 6 physical cores, yet the serial calculation runs more than 6 times faster, even though I can see 6 instances of python running on my computer. Maybe it is pilot error, I have the following questions: 1) Does Sage require a special way of compiling it in order to take full advantage of @parallel? 2) In this case using 'fork' is even worse, it never completes the calculation. 3) How does @parallel distribute the calculations? Since, in general, it takes significantly longer for factor() to process larger numbers, it seems that assigning the case n=1,7,13,... to core_0, n=2,8,14,... to core_1, etc., makes sense. Shuffling the original serial list given to f(n) also seems plausible. However, dividing the whole serial range to 6 intervals and assigning them to the 6 cores, respectively, would be a bad choice and for most of the time only one or two python processes would do anything. Does anyone know what scheme is used in Sage?

Thanks for any suggestions.

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answered 2015-03-04 11:11:33 +0200

vdelecroix gravatar image

First of all you cheat a bit since you create a list and sort it in the first case which costs some time

sage: %timeit l = range(1000000)
100 loops, best of 3: 14 ms per loop

If the time to execute once the function f is very small then it seems that you do not have any gain in using parallelization! Strange... If instead you factor in a much higher range (like numbers between $2^{128}$ and $2^{128} + 1000$) then you will see a gain.

To have a look at the source code you can do

sage: parallel??

You will see that it uses the class Parallel. I did not know where this class belongs. One way to obtain that is

sage: import_statements('Parallel')
from sage.parallel.decorate import Parallel

Then you can have a look at the code again

sage: from sage.parallel.decorate import Parallel
sage: Parallel??

and then continue the introspection this way. You can also have a look directly in the source code which in that case belongs to $SAGE_ROOT/src/sage/parallel/*


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Thanks, Vincent. Of course, you are right this is not an exact apples to apples comparison and your point about the calculation being too fast is valid. I too experimented with very large numbers and indeed parallel performance is better. Nonetheless I do see 6 python jobs starting out but very quickly four of them finish and only two and then only one is running for quite a while which means that load balancing is far from ideal. I'll check to source code to see how the list is passed to the function.

Thanks again,


ikol gravatar imageikol ( 2015-03-04 21:15:56 +0200 )edit

In version 7.2 I no longer see the load balancing issue.


ikol gravatar imageikol ( 2016-06-18 04:19:21 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2015-03-03 02:04:53 +0200

Seen: 827 times

Last updated: Mar 04 '15