Solving PDEs
Hello can I solve equations of the following form in sage?
E.g. $$A\frac{\partial ^ n f}{\partial x^n} + B \frac{\partial^kf}{\partial y^k} = 0, \quad f=f(x,y) $$
Meaning a PDE that contains the n-th derivative with respect to x and the k-th derivative with respect to y.
I assume you want to have your PDE(s) solved numerically. And I don't think SAGE is the best tool to accomplish that. You can certainly solve your PDE with SAGE, but you will have to put a lot of your own code together.
If you want to solve equations like the above with less effort, may I suggest you to use FiPy, a PDE solver that uses the finite volume method (FVM). It has extensive documentation, several examples and a support list where developers and users will help you with your questions.
Good luck!