Factoring a polynomial over a finite Field
I'm following a 101 algebra course, and for example, I would like to factor a polynomial on a finite field like F_9 (F_9 == ZZ/9ZZ is a field because 9 is a power of a prime number, 3)
R = PolynomialRing(GF(9),'x')
x = R.gen()
f = x^4+x^2-1
f in R
i get an error message
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "_sage_input_68.py", line 10, in <module>
exec compile(u'open("___code___.py","w").write("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\\n" + _support_.preparse_worksheet_cell(base64.b64decode("UiA9IFBvbHlub21pYWxSaW5nKEdGKDkpLCd4JykKeCA9IFIuZ2VuKCkKZiA9IHheNCt4XjItMQpmIGluIFI="),globals())+"\\n"); execfile(os.path.abspath("___code___.py"))
File "", line 1, in <module>
File "/tmp/tmpYgKq_W/___code___.py", line 3, in <module>
R = PolynomialRing(GF(_sage_const_9 ),'x')
File "factory.pyx", line 364, in sage.structure.factory.UniqueFactory.__call__ (build/cythonized/sage/structure/factory.c:1244)
File "/home/sage/sage-6.3/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/rings/finite_rings/constructor.py", line 414, in create_key_and_extra_args
raise ValueError("parameter 'conway' is required if no name given")
ValueError: parameter 'conway' is required if no name given
i'm running sage 6.3 notebook on windows through Oracle VM winbox. I'm a totally new user, and i've looked at the tutorial and the forum but couldn't find any example or reason why this would not work. thank you for your help.
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