what matrix.plot meanings?
when I run bolow,a graph appears,how to understand it?
asked 2014-10-27 08:56:52 +0100
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when I run bolow,a graph appears,how to understand it?
The lighter shades correspond to the larger entries of the matrix. In your example the black square are in positions (0, 1) and (2, 1), where the entries are -1, and the white square is in position (0, 0), where the entry is 3, which is the largest entry in the matrix. Typing
sage: M = matrix([[3,-1,1],[2,0,1],[1,-1,2]])
sage: M.plot?
will give more information.
answered 2014-10-28 10:43:34 +0100
This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >750 is welcome to improve it.
thank you ver much!
I have understand by below sage: M = matrix([[20,10,2,-1,1,-2,-10],[20,10,2,-1,1,-2,-10],[20,10,2,-1,1,-2,-10],[20,10,2,-1,1,-2,-10]]) sage: M.plot()
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Asked: 2014-10-27 08:56:52 +0100
Seen: 780 times
Last updated: Oct 28 '14