solving equations and using values obtained in other calculations
The function solve() in SAGE returns symbolic values for the variables i solve the equations for e.g.:
sage: s=solve(eqn,y)
sage: s
[y == -1/2*(sqrt(-596*x^8 - 168*x^7 - 67*x^6 + 240*x^5 + 144*x^4 - 60*x - 4) + 8*x^4 + 11*x^3 + 12*x^2)/(15*x + 1),
y == 1/2*(sqrt(-596*x^8 - 168*x^7 - 67*x^6 + 240*x^5 + 144*x^4 - 60*x - 4) - 8*x^4 - 11*x^3 - 12*x^2)/(15*x + 1)]
My problem is that i need to use the values obtained for y in other calculations, but I cannot assign these values to any other variable. Could someone please help me with this?
Thank You
Did you intend to introduce some spam html code (advertising a Polish society) in your question ? Otherwise, it might be a virus... be careful.
No, sorry. It was a malware or something?
I have no idea where it came from but there was something. Hopefully, harmless.