how to convert a named function to sympy
i know from another question, that
sage: x = var('x')
sage: y = 2 * x + Ei(x)
sage: import sympy
sage: sympy.sympify(y)
2*x + Ei(x)
sage: type(_)
<class 'sympy.core.add.Add'>
sage: x = var('x')
sage: y = 2 * x + Ei(x)
sage: y._sympy_()
2*x + Ei(x)
works. But how can i convert a equation named for example d to sympy.
var('r h s phi theta d')
def f(r,h,s,phi,theta): return norm(f_v(r=r,h=h,s=s,phi=phi,theta=theta))
import sympy
i also tried to do
from sympy import sympify
from sympy.solvers import solve
but than he is telling me
Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)
NotImplementedError: SymPy function 'abs' doesn't exist
thank you a lot
Thank you guys. I can´t find a Sage 6.4 Beta3 Version vor VM. I downloaded this . Is it somehow possible, to use this folder to run in through a VM. I have no experience with that and as far as i know until yet do i need a *.ova file.
I now tried in sage 6.3
d = abs(f_v.subs(phi=-phi))-abs(f_v.subs(phi=0))
from sympy import sympify
from sympy.solvers import solve
solve it for theta works now, wich is a big step forward, thank you for that! But for any other variable for example r is the result: [] for d it is : [0] should there just come the equation for d?
Does this mean, that sage can´t solve this equation or, that i still do something wrong?
The 6.4.beta3 tarball you downloaded is Sage's source code, which must be compiled, so you need to run GNU/Linux or some other POSIX compliant system to do this. If you are using the VM through windows, it is much less easy, so it is preferable to wait for the official Sage 6.4, that will propose .ova images. It is never too late to switch to GNU/Linux :)