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How to use Sage to find a pair of vertex-disjoint paths of minimal total length?

asked 10 years ago

Bart gravatar image

updated 10 years ago

FrédéricC gravatar image

I want to find a pair of vertex-disjoint (s,t)-paths with minimal total length in a graph G, where the length is the sum of the edge weights of the paths. For this I would like to use the Suurballe and Tarjan Algorithm, but it seems to be a hidden (if I am right?) method. Is there any way I can still use this algorithm other than reprogram it myself?

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2 Answers

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answered 10 years ago

slelievre gravatar image

Suurballe and Tarjan's algorithm is the object of Sage trac ticket #13380, which has not made its way into Sage yet. You could try applying the patches found at that ticket. Maybe your question will revive the work on that ticket.

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Hm, I was already afraid of that. Thank you for clarification.

Bart gravatar imageBart ( 10 years ago )

answered 10 years ago

Nathann gravatar image

The easiest seems to rewrite this problem as an integer linear program.

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This would indeed be my next step, but I hoped that the Suurballe and Tarjan algorithm would work. It would save some time. Thank you for your suggestion.

Bart gravatar imageBart ( 10 years ago )

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Asked: 10 years ago

Seen: 669 times

Last updated: Jul 28 '14