Absolute value of complex numbers in 3D plot
When I try to make a 3d plot with complex numbers in it, such as this one:
plot3d(1+x+abs(i*omega), (x,0,5), (omega,0,5), viewer='tachyon')
I get errors saying
TypeError: unable to coerce to a real number
On another one I got
TypeError: Unable to convert 0.0345000000000000*I to float
Why is this happening?
EDIT: Thanks for slelievre, lambda makes minimal example work. However, the original problem (I wanted to plot frequency responses) gives another error. Here is the original problem:
G_do_ideal_qn = -31.6656111462951*(0.0345000000000000*I*omega - 359.196869250000)/(-0.000389160000000000*omega^2 + 1.03531167486000*I*omega + 180.342274500000)
Tried to plot with
plot3d(lambda omega, V_C: 20*log(abs(G_do_ideal_qn), 10), (omega, 10, 100e3), (V_C, 0, 400))
Gives error
TypeError: unable to simplify to float approximation