Sage, small group library
Is there anyway to call the GAP small group library in the Sage?
There are two packages:
this is the second one which contains the database of small groups. After
sage -i database_gap
the following works
sage: G8 = gap.SmallGroup(8,1)
sage: G8
Group( [ f1, f2, f3 ] )
sage: gap.Size(G8)
Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "", line 10, in <module> exec compile(u'open("","w").write("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\\n" + _support_.preparse_worksheet_cell(base64.b64decode("c2FnZSAtaSBkYXRhYmFzZV9nYXA="),globals())+"\\n"); execfile(os.path.abspath("")) File "", line 1, in <module> File "/private/var/folders/zp/z4nx0jkn1_s3lk7z0ythnx880000gn/T/tmpXoDlQm/", line 2 sage -i database_gap ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax Above is the output I get when I type in 'sage -i database_gap'. Is there any way to fix this?
I believed it is included in the Gap packages optional Sage package.
$ sage -i gap_packages
But then
sage: gap.eval('SmallGroups(8,1)')
gives me an error similar to one from 2009 (!). (Also, it downloads the "wrong" version, not the most up-to-date gap packages package.)
I don't know why that would be, this should be part of it. If no one responds with a better answer soon I'll open a Trac ticket.
you can check the file SAGE_ROOT/build/pkgs/gap_packages/package-version.txt to see the version you'd get installed. You can't just grab an .spkg file from the web and install it. If you want a newer spkg you'd need to update the contents of SAGE_ROOT/build/pkgs/gap_packages/, using git.
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Asked: 2014-07-02 19:45:34 +0200
Seen: 2,008 times
Last updated: Jul 03 '14
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