Compute the volume of a cube region
I would like to compute the volume $V$ of the lower polyhedron (that does not contain vertex A) let's call it $poly_G$. (let's call $poly_A$ the upper polyhedron that does not contain G). Size is $a=AB=BF=...$
We can compute $V_{poly_A}$ by introducing K and I points and using Pythagore's theorem and median's properties . I can do that by hand using $V_{poly_G}=V_{cube}-V_{poly_A}$
I want to compute the volume with sage, I have tried this code using volume integrations but I am not sure about the result at all... I look at first for the normal vector of plane DBE (cross product) which gives the equation plane $x-y+z$. Then I compute using triple integrations.
print u.cross_product(v)
intz = integrate(1,z,0,a-y-x)
inty = integrate(intz,y,0,a-x)
intx = integrate(inty,x,0,a)
print intx
I would like to know if there are elegant ways of computing this kind of problem in sage ? And in addition, if this require few lines, how can I display the above figure ? Sorry if this looks simple, I am new to Sage.