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How quickly minimizing Mxv (numerically) ?

asked 11 years ago

updated 11 years ago

Let v in Rm and let M be a matrix from Rn to Rm, with m>n big numbers.
I want to compute a vector x in Rn such that the norm of Mxv is minimal.

One way is to compute the projection w of v on the image of M.
For so, we can compute the projection p on the image of M, as follows :

MTGS=M.transpose().gram_schmidt()[0]  # it's orthogonalization, not orthonormalization
for i in range(l):



This vector x minimizes the norm of Mxv, but this method is very expensive in time, because it computes p and w, while I just need x.

Is there another method, less expensive in time, for computing x ?

Remark : I'm ok with numerical methods.

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1 Answer

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answered 11 years ago

ppurka gravatar image

updated 11 years ago

If I am understanding your question correctly - if you put the additional constraint of getting x with the minimum norm, then you are asking for the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse. In Sage you can explicitly call the pseudoinverse function of numpy

sage: MN = M.numpy()
sage: import numpy
sage: x = matrix(numpy.linalg.pinv(MN))*v

Edit: Even the command

sage: x = M \ v

works for a nonsquare matrix M. But I am not sure what this is actually doing for a nonsquare matrix. The documentation does not seem to explain. The solution obtained is not the same as obtained from the pseudoinverse.

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Thank you very much ppurka ! Do you know if we can compute x directly, without computing the pseudo-inverse before ?

Sébastien Palcoux gravatar imageSébastien Palcoux ( 11 years ago )

Well, that's what the Sage command `M \ v` does - it does not compute the inverse or pseudoinverse. Except, I am not sure exactly what it is computing for nonsquare matrices. Maybe you can put up a question in the sage-support mailing list.

ppurka gravatar imageppurka ( 11 years ago )

Thank you ppurka. I see a difference between "x = matrix(numpy.linalg.pinv(MN))*v" and "x = M \ v" : if v is not in the image of M then the first proposes a pseudo-solution and the second gives "ValueError: matrix equation has no solutions".

Sébastien Palcoux gravatar imageSébastien Palcoux ( 11 years ago )

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Asked: 11 years ago

Seen: 1,003 times

Last updated: Oct 22 '13