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SageTex and graphs

asked 2013-08-27 12:27:20 +0200

Holosmos gravatar image

Hey guys, Today i was looking for some graph plotting and i didn't arrived to use that piece of code in my .tex :

from sage.graphs.graph_coloring import edge_coloring
g = graphs.CompleteGraph(10)
g.graphplot(edge_colors=edge_coloring(g, hex_colors=True)).plot()

I can insert the first part in a block, but to plot I don't have the answer. I tried : \sageplot{g.graphplot(edge_colors=edge_coloring(g, hex_colors=True)).plot()} and \sage{g.graphplot(edge_colors=edge_coloring(g, hex_colors=True))} but nothing works :/

Of course \sage{g} works but i'd like to have the graphical options !

Help plz :)


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2 Answers

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answered 2013-08-28 09:59:26 +0200

Luca gravatar image

This seems to be a bug in pdf exports. It has been reported as ticket

As a temporary fix, you can

  from sage.graphs.graph_coloring import edge_coloring
  g = graphs.CompleteGraph(10)  
  p = g.graphplot(edge_colors=edge_coloring(g, hex_colors=True)).plot()'graph.eps')


Note that LaTeX will complain it cannot find graph.eps on first compilation, just ignore the error.

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answered 2013-08-28 10:52:38 +0200

Holosmos gravatar image

It works Thank you !

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Asked: 2013-08-27 12:27:20 +0200

Seen: 667 times

Last updated: Aug 28 '13