Is it better practice to show SAGE code on a web use of SAGE?
If you go to my page for The Sensible Calculus Book you will find how I've added SAGE to this page- with interacts for graphs, direction fields and Euler's Method for DE's as well as one of the mapping diagram interacts I am developing from the assistance of Jeff Denny, Jason Grout, and others at Sage Edu Days 5 . I would like feedback on this if you have suggestions- I have currently hidden the code from the users using the interact buttons. Is it better practice to show the Sage code?
Martin, this probably depends most of all on your use case and the intended audience. I personally like having the code visible so my students know it's not a magic box, but I also haven't used it with my lowest-level classes much, where I may indeed choose to do that. In a test environment you may definitely want to have the code invisible.
Why not show the sage code? There might be one or two really curious students who will tinker around and learn much more that the others. :-)
@ppurka - Cheating? If it's super-long and takes up too much space? If the students are uniformly scared by code (this really does happen, I realize that at your institution this is probably not the case as a tech. u.). I'm just saying it probably is a contextual question.
In any case, it would be good to make the code available somewhere so that others can use it.