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for-while loop problem

asked 11 years ago

mresimulator gravatar image

updated 11 years ago

Hi experts!

Im a newbie Python and sage user.

Im writing a script for draw N random lines in a rectangle of b*h center in axes.

The actual code is:

print('Distribuye N rectas aleatorios de longitud 1 en un rectángulo de b x h centrado en el origen de un par de ejes cartesianos\n')

N=float(raw_input('Número de rectas aleatóreos (N)?:\n'))
b=float(raw_input('Base del rectángulo (b>1)?:\n'))
h=float(raw_input('Altura del cuadrado (h>1)?:\n'))


lista_x=[uniforme_x.get_random_element() for j in srange(N)]
lista_y=[uniforme_y.get_random_element() for j in srange(N)]

lista_xy = zip(lista_x , lista_y)



for j in lista_xy:
    x1 = j[0]
    y1 = j[1]
    while d2>1*1:
        x2 = uniforme_x.get_random_element()
        y2 = uniforme_x.get_random_element()


The associated output is a graph of N lines. Each line comes from a different item from the list zip BUT end at the same point (x2, y2). Furthermore the lines have length (d2) greater than 1.

I cant find the error. I know this is a basic question but i hope you can help me.

Waiting for your answers.

Best regards.

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Looks to me like you have an issue with brackets and parentheses in the line `lineas.append(j,(x2,y2)]))`

calc314 gravatar imagecalc314 ( 11 years ago )

4 Answers

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answered 11 years ago

tmonteil gravatar image

updated 11 years ago

In your while d2>1*1: loop, d2 is a global variable, so after the first round, d2 becomes less than 1. Then this loop is never run again since the condition d2>1*1 is always False. This explains why (x2, y2) is always the same.

What you should do it to reset d2 at each pass of the for loop:

d2 = 2
while d2>1*1:

By the way, replacing 1*1 by 1 won't change anything and will lead to a cleaner code.

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answered 11 years ago

tmonteil gravatar image

After 5 questions, 4 answers and 43 point of karma, you are assumed to become autonomous with syntax errors ;)

If i put your code in a Sage session i get:

File "<ipython-input-7-54c6265f464d>", line 19
    for j lista_xy:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

So, it means that your loop is not well defined, you should replace it by:

for j in lista_xy:

If i do this again, i got:

 File "<ipython-input-9-bf0cc464ad8d>", line 26
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Which is the problem @calc314 mentionned. As the name lineas suggests, you seem to build a list of lines, i guess that you meant:


Then your program seems to work. At least there are no syntax errors left, hence you can try to see whether the output looks like what you are looking for.

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answered 11 years ago

mresimulator gravatar image

Sorry, i posted a old version code. I execute the corrected code: the associated output is a graph of N lines. Each line comes from a different item from the list zip BUT end at the same point (x2, y2). Furthermore the lines have length (d2) greater than 1.

I cant find the error. I know this is a basic question but i hope you can help me.

Waiting for your answers.

Best regards.

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answered 11 years ago

mresimulator gravatar image


Thaks so much tmonteil!

Best regards.

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Asked: 11 years ago

Seen: 2,713 times

Last updated: Jun 06 '13