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'list indices must be integers, not tuple' error in newbie script

asked 2013-06-05 22:41:32 +0100

mresimulator gravatar image

updated 2015-01-14 09:39:08 +0100

FrédéricC gravatar image

Hi expers!!

Im a new user of SAGE. Right now im writing a script that plot 'N' random lines of lenght=1 in a rectangle of b*h center in axes. The code is shhow below:

N=float(raw_input('Número de rectas aleatóreos (N)?:\n'))
b=float(raw_input('Base del rectángulo (b>1)?:\n'))
h=float(raw_input('Altura del cuadrado (h>1)?:\n'))


lista_x=[uniforme_x.get_random_element() for j in srange(N)]
lista_y=[uniforme_y.get_random_element() for j in srange(N)]

lista_xy = zip(lista_x , lista_y)



for j in lista_xy:
    x1 = lista_xy[j][0]
    y1 = lista_xy[j][1]
    while d2>1*1:
        x2 = uniforme_x.get_random_element()
        y2 = uniforme_x.get_random_element()


When i execute this code I get the error messege 'list indices must be integers, not tuple'.

Whats the problem?

Waiting for your answers.

Thanks a lot!

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2 Answers

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answered 2013-06-05 23:21:12 +0100

kcrisman gravatar image

This is a Python newbie error, not really a Sage error. Here is some sample code, where I've inputted 5, 4, and 3 for your raw_input things.

sage: lista_xy
[(0.790543686599, 0.496880250983),
 (-0.00532463751733, -0.648275931599),
 (1.5688782027, 0.968919148436),
 (-1.65441823658, 0.556830151705),
 (-0.270724125206, 1.49786789808)]

Note that each j in this lista is a tuple of floating point numbers. So you can't take the [j] index. If you remove the [j] pieces and use j itself, your code works fine:

for j in lista_xy:
    x1 = j[0]
    y1 = j[1]
    while d2>1*1:
        x2 = uniforme_x.get_random_element()
        y2 = uniforme_x.get_random_element()

Good luck!

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answered 2013-06-06 08:04:15 +0100

mresimulator gravatar image

Thanks a lot. Im a Python newbie too.

Best regards,

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Asked: 2013-06-05 22:41:32 +0100

Seen: 14,812 times

Last updated: Jun 06 '13