Gradient, Divergence, Curl and vector products
Are there implementations of vector product and the nabla operator yet? I can't find anything.
Are there implementations of vector product and the nabla operator yet? I can't find anything.
Sorry for the update - believe it or not, after years this was finally implemented (as a method, not function) in Trac 3021.
sage: var('y z')
(y, z)
sage: V = vector([x^2*y, z, 3*y^2])sage: V.curl([x,y,z]) # necessary since otherwise why should x be first?
(6*y - 1, 0, -x^2)
sage: V.div() # same reason
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
ValueError: Unable to determine ordered variable names for Symbolic Ring
sage: V.div([x,y,z])
I don't think sage has a curl and divergence defined, but it is very easy to implement them.
Have a look at
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Asked: 2013-10-21 12:40:22 +0100
Seen: 4,738 times
Last updated: Nov 20 '15