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How to smart clean home .sage directory?

asked 2013-05-05 01:43:46 +0200

rickhg12hs gravatar image

I've upgraded my OS (Fedora) and Sage several times, changed host names, etc., and now my ~/.sage directory takes up 161 MBytes and has over 11,000 files. I know there are several things I want to keep, like e.g., the notebook worksheets, but I'm sure there's lots of stuff that can be deleted (temporary files?).

Is there a ~/.sage cleaner or a way to know for sure which of these files can be safely deleted since they will never be used again?

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answered 2013-05-05 02:16:57 +0200

ppurka gravatar image

updated 2013-05-05 02:17:41 +0200

You can delete everything except sage_notebook.sagenb and your customized files (that is, any files that you manually modified).

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Removed everything except sage_notebook.sagenb and now have about 2MBytes and fewer than 200 files (likely all my notebook stuff). Ran commandline and notebook sage a few times and everything seems fine! Thanks!

rickhg12hs gravatar imagerickhg12hs ( 2013-05-05 18:38:34 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2013-05-05 01:43:46 +0200

Seen: 297 times

Last updated: May 05 '13