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I don't understand the error either, but this is what one should do:

sage: A = matrix(2,3,[8,-2,3,5,1,-4])
sage: A
[ 8 -2  3]
[ 5  1 -4]
sage: A.transpose()
[ 8  5]
[-2  1]
[ 3 -4]

Notice also the shortcut:

sage: A.T
[ 8  5]
[-2  1]
[ 3 -4]

I don't understand the error either, but this is what one should may do:

sage: A = matrix(2,3,[8,-2,3,5,1,-4])
sage: A
[ 8 -2  3]
[ 5  1 -4]
sage: A.transpose()
[ 8  5]
[-2  1]
[ 3 -4]

Notice also the shortcut:

sage: A.T
[ 8  5]
[-2  1]
[ 3 -4]