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You can always check source code of a particular function/method like this

P = Polyhedron()

It tells us that .intersection() simply takes the union of inequalities defining two polynomials and construct the resulting polynomial out of it.

You can always check source code of a particular function/method like this

P = Polyhedron()

It tells us that .intersection() simply takes the union of inequalities defining two polynomials polyhedra and construct the resulting polynomial polyhedron out of it.

You can always check source code of a particular function/method like this

P = Polyhedron()

It tells us that .intersection() simply takes the union of inequalities inequalities/equations defining two polyhedra and construct the resulting polyhedron out of it.

You can always check source code of a particular function/method like this

P = Polyhedron()

It tells us that .intersection() simply takes the union of inequalities/equations defining two polyhedra and construct constructs the resulting polyhedron out of it.