![]() | 1 | initial version |
This is a corrected version of the thought process provided by Max Alekseyev (it copies some of his code as well). I didn't realise Sagemath had so many built in features to manipulate groups, and there is a good chance that this approach could be substantially improved. However, it is fast enough for my purposes.
import sage.combinat.permutation as permutation
dP = [3,4,3,2,4]
n = len(dP)
S = SymmetricGroup(n)
s_dP = sorted(dP) # Sorted list
# Fixed permutation that puts dP in the right order
p = S( Word(s_dP).standard_permutation() / Word(dP).standard_permutation() )
P = [] # List to store a generating set of permutations for the subgroup that fixes s_dP
at = 1 # Counter variable
for element in unique(s_dP):
num = s_dP.count(element) # Number of times element appears in s_dP
# We sum over integer partitions as they label conjugacy classes of the symmetric group;
# thus they provide an easy way to get all generators of our desired subgroup
for part in Partitions(num, max_length = 2).list():
cycle = []
for comp in part:
# Attach a cycle for each integer in the partition
cycle += [ srange( int_at, int_at+comp ) ]
int_at += comp
# Add the partition from the constructed cycles to our generating set
P += [ permutation.from_cycles(n, cycle )]
at += num
G = S.subgroup(P) # Subgroup that fix s_dP
perms = []
for q in G:
perms += [Permutation( q * p )]
![]() | 2 | No.2 Revision |
This is a corrected version of the thought process provided by Max Alekseyev (it copies some of his code as well). I didn't realise Sagemath had so many built in features to manipulate groups, and there is a good chance that this approach could be substantially improved. However, it is fast enough for my purposes.
import sage.combinat.permutation as permutation
from numpy import unique
dP = [3,4,3,2,4]
n = len(dP)
S = SymmetricGroup(n)
perms = []
s_dP = sorted(dP) # Sorted sorted list
# Fixed permutation that puts dP in the right order
p = S( Word(s_dP).standard_permutation() / Word(dP).standard_permutation() )
P = [] # List to store a generating set of permutations for the subgroup that fixes s_dP
at = 1 # Counter variable
for element in unique(s_dP):
num = s_dP.count(element) # Number of times element appears in s_dP
# We sum over integer partitions as they label conjugacy classes of the symmetric group;
# thus they provide an easy way to get all generators of our desired subgroup
P += [permutation.from_cycles(n,[srange(i+at,i+at+2)]) for part i in Partitions(num, max_length = 2).list():
cycle = []
for comp in part:
# Attach a cycle for each integer in the partition
cycle += [ srange( int_at, int_at+comp ) ]
int_at += comp
srange(num-1)] # Add the partition from the constructed cycles to our generating set
P += [ permutation.from_cycles(n, cycle )]
a generator
at += num
G = S.subgroup(P) # Subgroup subgroup that fix s_dP
perms = []
for q in G:
perms += [Permutation( q * p )]
![]() | 3 | No.3 Revision |
This is a corrected version of the thought process provided by Max Alekseyev (it copies some of his code as well). I didn't realise Sagemath had so many built in features to manipulate groups, and there is a good chance that this approach could be substantially improved. However, it is fast enough for my purposes.
import sage.combinat.permutation as permutation
from numpy import unique
dP = [1,1,1,3,3]
n = len(dP)
S = SymmetricGroup(n)
perms = []
s_dP = sorted(dP) # sorted list
p = S( Word(s_dP).standard_permutation() / Word(dP).standard_permutation() )
P = []
at = 1 # Counter variable
for element in unique(s_dP):
num = s_dP.count(element) # Number of times element appears in s_dP
# Add a generator
P += [permutation.from_cycles(n,[srange(i+at,i+at+2)]) for i in srange(num-1)] # Add a generator
at += num
G = S.subgroup(P) # subgroup that fix s_dP
for q in G:
perms += [Permutation( q * p )]