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This should do the job:

.apply_map(lambda t: t.full_simplify())

This should do the job:Wel, first .simplify_full() does work for me - like in this example:

.apply_map(lambda t: t.full_simplify())
q = var('q')
v = vector( (-(q + 1/q)*q^2 + q^3 + q, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) )
print( v.simplify_full() )

Alternatively, you can explicitly apply .simplify_full() to each element:

print( v.apply_map(lambda t: t.full_simplify()) )

Wel, first First off, .simplify_full() does work for me - like in this example:

q = var('q')
v = vector( (-(q + 1/q)*q^2 + q^3 + q, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) )
print( v.simplify_full() )

Alternatively, you can explicitly apply .simplify_full() to each element:

print( v.apply_map(lambda t: t.full_simplify()) )