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Use solve? to access the documentation of the solve function.

This reveals a lot of examples, including trigonometric equations.

There are basically two ways to get "all solutions" for such equations:

  • use algorithm='sympy'
  • use to_poly_solve='force'

If you use the to_poly_solve='force' option, you get something like:

sage: solve([eq], [x], to_poly_solve='force')
[x == pi*z1]

which means pi times any integer (indicated by z1, standing for an indexed integer variable $z_1$).

You can get a different index $k$ for the $z_k$ integer variable each time you solve.

If you use the algorithm='sympy' option, you get something like:

sage: solve([eq], [x], algorithm='sympy')
[ImageSet(Lambda(_n, 2*_n*pi), Integers),
 ImageSet(Lambda(_n, 2*_n*pi + pi), Integers)]