1 | initial version |
Implicitly : try someting along the lines of :
plot3d(U, (0, 2), (0, 2), color="blue", opacity=0.5) +\
plot3d(B, (0, 2), (0, 2), color="yellow", opacity=0.5) +\
plot3d(U, (0, 2), (0, 2), color="red", plot_points=100).add_condition(lambda t, u, v:abs(v-B(t, u))<0.02)
Labeling and other seasonings left to the reader...
An explicit solution is necessarily numeric...
2 | No.2 Revision |
Implicitly : try someting along the lines of :
plot3d(U, (0, 2), (0, 2), color="blue", opacity=0.5) +\
plot3d(B, (0, 2), (0, 2), color="yellow", opacity=0.5) +\
plot3d(U, (0, 2), (0, 2), color="red", plot_points=100).add_condition(lambda t, u, v:abs(v-B(t, u))<0.02)
Labeling and other seasonings left to the reader...
An explicit solution is necessarily numeric...
Using Python functions rather than callable symbolic expression is way faster. After running :
# Python version
x, y, z = var("x, y, z")
# U(x,y) = x^(1/2)*y^(1/2)
# B(x,y) = (1/16)*x + y
def U(a, b): return sqrt(a)+sqrt(b)
def B(a, b): return a/16+b
def lu(e): return lambda a, b, c: abs(c-B(a, b))<=e
def lb(e): return lambda a, b, c: abs(c-U(a, b))<=e
def doit(e = 0.01, show_u = True,show_b = True, pp = 40, ppc = 100):
if show_u: cu = lu(e)
if show_b: cb = lb(e)
doRu = lambda c, o, pp: plot3d(u,(0, 2), (0, 2), color=c, opacity=o, plot_points=pp)
doRb = lambda c, o, pp: plot3d(b,(0, 2), (0, 2), color=c, opacity=o, plot_points=pp)
R = doRu("blue", 0.2, pp) + doRb("yellow", 0.2, pp)
if show_u:
Cu = doRu("red", 1, ppc).add_condition(cu)
R += Cu
if show_b:
Cb = doRb("red", 1, ppc).add_condition(cb)
R += Cb
return R
A test run gives :
sage: %time doit(e=0.03, pp=200, ppc=200).show(frame=False, axes=True)
Launched html viewer for Graphics3d Object
CPU times: user 554 ms, sys: 32 ms, total: 586 ms
Wall time: 626 ms
Using Cython might get you yet another speedup factor, mating building an interact a viable proposition...
3 | No.3 Revision |
Implicitly : try someting along the lines of :
plot3d(U, (0, 2), (0, 2), color="blue", opacity=0.5) +\
plot3d(B, (0, 2), (0, 2), color="yellow", opacity=0.5) +\
plot3d(U, (0, 2), (0, 2), color="red", plot_points=100).add_condition(lambda t, u, v:abs(v-B(t, u))<0.02)
Labeling and other seasonings left to the reader...
An explicit solution is necessarily numeric...
Using Python functions rather than callable symbolic expression is way faster. After running :
# Python version
x, y, z = var("x, y, z")
# U(x,y) = x^(1/2)*y^(1/2)
# B(x,y) = (1/16)*x + y
def U(a, b): return sqrt(a)+sqrt(b)
def B(a, b): return a/16+b
def lu(e): return lambda a, b, c: abs(c-B(a, b))<=e
def lb(e): return lambda a, b, c: abs(c-U(a, b))<=e
def doit(e = 0.01, show_u = True,show_b = True, pp = 40, ppc = 100):
if show_u: cu = lu(e)
if show_b: cb = lb(e)
doRu = lambda c, o, pp: plot3d(u,(0, 2), (0, 2), color=c, opacity=o, plot_points=pp)
doRb = lambda c, o, pp: plot3d(b,(0, 2), (0, 2), color=c, opacity=o, plot_points=pp)
R = doRu("blue", 0.2, pp) + doRb("yellow", 0.2, pp)
if show_u:
Cu = doRu("red", 1, ppc).add_condition(cu)
R += Cu
if show_b:
Cb = doRb("red", 1, ppc).add_condition(cb)
R += Cb
return R
A test run gives :
sage: %time doit(e=0.03, pp=200, ppc=200).show(frame=False, axes=True)
Launched html viewer for Graphics3d Object
CPU times: user 554 ms, sys: 32 ms, total: 586 ms
Wall time: 626 ms
Using Cython might get you yet another speedup factor, mating making building an interact a viable proposition...
4 | No.4 Revision |
Implicitly : try someting along the lines of :
plot3d(U, (0, 2), (0, 2), color="blue", opacity=0.5) +\
plot3d(B, (0, 2), (0, 2), color="yellow", opacity=0.5) +\
plot3d(U, (0, 2), (0, 2), color="red", plot_points=100).add_condition(lambda t, u, v:abs(v-B(t, u))<0.02)
Labeling and other seasonings left to the reader...
An explicit solution is necessarily numeric...
Using Python functions rather than Sage's "symbolic functions" (a. k. a. callable symbolic expression expressions) is way faster. After running :
# Python version
x, y, z = var("x, y, z")
# U(x,y) = x^(1/2)*y^(1/2)
# B(x,y) = (1/16)*x + y
def U(a, b): return sqrt(a)+sqrt(b)
def B(a, b): return a/16+b
def lu(e): return lambda a, b, c: abs(c-B(a, b))<=e
def lb(e): return lambda a, b, c: abs(c-U(a, b))<=e
def doit(e = 0.01, show_u = True,show_b = True, pp = 40, ppc = 100):
if show_u: cu = lu(e)
if show_b: cb = lb(e)
doRu = lambda c, o, pp: plot3d(u,(0, 2), (0, 2), color=c, opacity=o, plot_points=pp)
doRb = lambda c, o, pp: plot3d(b,(0, 2), (0, 2), color=c, opacity=o, plot_points=pp)
R = doRu("blue", 0.2, pp) + doRb("yellow", 0.2, pp)
if show_u:
Cu = doRu("red", 1, ppc).add_condition(cu)
R += Cu
if show_b:
Cb = doRb("red", 1, ppc).add_condition(cb)
R += Cb
return R
A test run gives :
sage: %time doit(e=0.03, pp=200, ppc=200).show(frame=False, axes=True)
Launched html viewer for Graphics3d Object
CPU times: user 554 ms, sys: 32 ms, total: 586 ms
Wall time: 626 ms
Using Cython might get you yet another speedup factor, making building an interact a viable proposition...
5 | No.5 Revision |
EDIT : Don't bother with what follows ; @achrzesz's answer to @Cyrille question is better ! I'm leaving this in place for the edification of future ask.sagemath.org
(per-)users about the risks of obstination in the wrong direction.
Implicitly : try someting along the lines of :
plot3d(U, (0, 2), (0, 2), color="blue", opacity=0.5) +\
plot3d(B, (0, 2), (0, 2), color="yellow", opacity=0.5) +\
plot3d(U, (0, 2), (0, 2), color="red", plot_points=100).add_condition(lambda t, u, v:abs(v-B(t, u))<0.02)
Labeling and other seasonings left to the reader...
An explicit solution is necessarily numeric...
Using Python functions rather than Sage's "symbolic functions" (a. k. a. callable symbolic expressions) is way faster. After running :
# Python version
x, y, z = var("x, y, z")
# U(x,y) = x^(1/2)*y^(1/2)
# B(x,y) = (1/16)*x + y
def U(a, b): return sqrt(a)+sqrt(b)
def B(a, b): return a/16+b
def lu(e): return lambda a, b, c: abs(c-B(a, b))<=e
def lb(e): return lambda a, b, c: abs(c-U(a, b))<=e
def doit(e = 0.01, show_u = True,show_b = True, pp = 40, ppc = 100):
if show_u: cu = lu(e)
if show_b: cb = lb(e)
doRu = lambda c, o, pp: plot3d(u,(0, 2), (0, 2), color=c, opacity=o, plot_points=pp)
doRb = lambda c, o, pp: plot3d(b,(0, 2), (0, 2), color=c, opacity=o, plot_points=pp)
R = doRu("blue", 0.2, pp) + doRb("yellow", 0.2, pp)
if show_u:
Cu = doRu("red", 1, ppc).add_condition(cu)
R += Cu
if show_b:
Cb = doRb("red", 1, ppc).add_condition(cb)
R += Cb
return R
A test run gives :
sage: %time doit(e=0.03, pp=200, ppc=200).show(frame=False, axes=True)
Launched html viewer for Graphics3d Object
CPU times: user 554 ms, sys: 32 ms, total: 586 ms
Wall time: 626 ms
Using Cython might get you yet another speedup factor, making building an interact a viable proposition...