1 | initial version |
The best performance I was able to archive is by the following code, which avoids recursion and uses a few tricks to save memory:
def divbelow_10(n,B):
if B*B >= n:
return number_of_divisors(n) - divbelow_10(n,n//(B+1))
res = 0
bs = {B:1} # dict mapping bounds to their multiplicities
for p,e in reversed(factor(n)):
n //= p^e
nd = number_of_divisors(n)
n2 = 0 # number of bounds >= n
ext = bs
for i in range(e):
ext2 = dict()
for b,c in ext.items():
r = b//p
if r >= 1:
ext2[r] = ext2.get(r,0) + c
ext = ext2
# extending bs with ext
for b,c in ext.items():
if b>=n:
n2 += c
bs[b] += c
#print('Extended:', len(bs))
for b in [b for b in bs if b*b>=n]:
c = bs.pop(b)
n2 += c
b_ = n//(b+1)
if b_ >= 1:
bs[b_] -= c
res += bs.pop(1,0)
res += n2*nd
#print('Trimmed:', len(bs))
return res
Its performance is very good:
sage: %time divbelow_10(47987366728745697656468743117440000, 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 67.5 ms, sys: 75 µs, total: 67.6 ms
Wall time: 66.9 ms
2 | No.2 Revision |
The best performance I was able to archive is by the following code, which avoids recursion and uses a few tricks to save memory:
def divbelow_10(n,B):
if B*B >= n:
return number_of_divisors(n) - divbelow_10(n,n//(B+1))
res = 0
bs = {B:1} # dict mapping bounds to their multiplicities
for p,e in reversed(factor(n)):
n //= p^e
nd = number_of_divisors(n)
n2 = 0 # number of bounds >= n
ext = bs
for i in range(e):
ext2 = dict()
for b,c in ext.items():
r = b//p
if r >= 1:
ext2[r] = ext2.get(r,0) + c
ext = ext2
# extending bs with ext
for b,c in ext.items():
if b>=n:
n2 += c
bs[b] += c
#print('Extended:', len(bs))
for b in [b for b in bs if b*b>=n]:
c = bs.pop(b)
n2 += c
b_ = n//(b+1)
if b_ >= 1:
bs[b_] -= c
res += bs.pop(1,0)
res += n2*nd
n2 * number_of_divisors(n)
#print('Trimmed:', len(bs))
return res
Its performance is very good:
sage: %time divbelow_10(47987366728745697656468743117440000, 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 67.5 ms, sys: 75 µs, total: 67.6 ms
Wall time: 66.9 ms