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Maybe this example can help

[Li for Li in L if all(map(lambda v: v>0, Li))]

Maybe this example can helpLearn about the Python command all using help(all).

Below are a couple of examples.

First define a list of lists (of integers):

L1 = [1, 2]
L2 = [-1, 1]
L3 = [3, 1]
L = [L1, L2, L3]

Then keep only those consisting only of positive integers:

  • using map:

    [Li for Li in L if all(map(lambda v: v>0, v > 0, Li))]
  • using list comprehension:

    [Li for Li in L if all(v > 0 for v in Li)]

For your use case, this might become

LL = [Li for Li in L if  all(check(s) for s in Li)]