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In Sage as in most math software, angles are measured in radians, not degrees.

So if by cos(45) you mean the cosine of 45 degrees, use cos(pi/4) instead.

The next thing is that Sage aims to give exact results for exact input.

To get a floating-point approximation for your computation, two choices.

First, you can compute exactly and then take a numerical approximation.

For this, use the numerical_approx method or its shortcut n.

sage: a = arcsin(5/24*cos(pi/4))
sage: a

sage: a.numerical_approx()

sage: a.n()

Second, you can compute in floating-point all the way.

For this, start by using a floating point approximation of pi.

sage: a = asin(5/24*cos(pi.n()/4))
sage: a

In Sage as in most math software, angles are measured in radians, not degrees.

So if by cos(45) you mean the cosine of 45 degrees, use cos(pi/4) instead.

The next thing is that Sage aims to give exact results for exact input.

sage: a = arcsin(5/24*cos(pi/4))
sage: a

To get a floating-point approximation for your computation, two choices.

  • First, you can compute exactly and then take a numerical approximation.

    For this, use the numerical_approx method or its shortcut n.

    sage: a = arcsin(5/24*cos(pi/4))
    sage: a
    sage: a.numerical_approx()
    sage: a.n()
  • Second, you can compute in floating-point all the way.

    For this, start by using a floating point approximation of pi.

    sage: a b = asin(5/24*cos(pi.n()/4))
    sage: a