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A simple modification would be to not create the list of matrices:

 n = M.nrows()
 for t in Tuples((1,-1), n^2):
     a = matrix(n, n, t)
     if 3*a^2 == M:

With n=5, this at least enters the loop immediately, whereas the original code spends a while creating the list of matrices. I gave up waiting after about 5 minutes. (You can add some print statements to see its progress.)

By the way, you can see that Tuples is fast, but creating a list from its entries can be slow:

sage: %time Tuples((1, -1), 16)
CPU times: user 24 µs, sys: 8 µs, total: 32 µs
Wall time: 46 µs
Tuples of (1, -1) of length 16

sage: %time L = [t for t in Tuples((1, -1), 16)] # slow
CPU times: user 453 ms, sys: 23.6 ms, total: 477 ms
Wall time: 479 ms

sage: %time L = [matrix(4, 4, t) for t in Tuples((1, -1), 16)] # slower
CPU times: user 988 ms, sys: 15.6 ms, total: 1 s
Wall time: 1.01 s

Going through all of these matrices is going to take a long time, in any case:

sage: len(Tuples((1, -1), 25))
sage: len(Tuples((1, -1), 36))

A simple modification would be to not create the list of matrices:

 n = M.nrows()
 for t in Tuples((1,-1), n^2):
     a = matrix(n, n, t)
     if 3*a^2 == M:

With n=5, this at least enters the loop immediately, whereas the original code spends a while creating the list of matrices. I gave up waiting for the original code after about 5 minutes. (You can add some print statements to see its progress.)

By the way, you can see that Tuples is fast, but creating a list from its entries can be slow:

sage: %time Tuples((1, -1), 16)
CPU times: user 24 µs, sys: 8 µs, total: 32 µs
Wall time: 46 µs
Tuples of (1, -1) of length 16

sage: %time L = [t for t in Tuples((1, -1), 16)] # slow
CPU times: user 453 ms, sys: 23.6 ms, total: 477 ms
Wall time: 479 ms

sage: %time L = [matrix(4, 4, t) for t in Tuples((1, -1), 16)] # slower
CPU times: user 988 ms, sys: 15.6 ms, total: 1 s
Wall time: 1.01 s

Going through all of these matrices is going to take a long time, in any case:

sage: len(Tuples((1, -1), 25))
sage: len(Tuples((1, -1), 36))

A simple modification would be to not create the list of matrices:

 n = M.nrows()
 for t in Tuples((1,-1), n^2):
     a = matrix(n, n, t)
     if 3*a^2 == M:

With n=5, this at least enters the loop immediately, whereas the original code spends a while creating the list of matrices. I gave up waiting for the original code after about 5 minutes. (You can add some print statements to see its progress.)

By the way, you can see that Tuples is fast, but creating a list from its entries can be slow:

sage: %time Tuples((1, -1), 16)
CPU times: user 24 µs, sys: 8 µs, total: 32 µs
Wall time: 46 µs
Tuples of (1, -1) of length 16

sage: %time L = [t for t in Tuples((1, -1), 16)] # slow
CPU times: user 453 ms, sys: 23.6 ms, total: 477 ms
Wall time: 479 ms

sage: %time L = [matrix(4, 4, t) for t in Tuples((1, -1), 16)] # slower
CPU times: user 988 ms, sys: 15.6 ms, total: 1 s
Wall time: 1.01 s

Going through all of these matrices is going to take a long time, in any case:

sage: len(Tuples((1, -1), 25))
sage: len(Tuples((1, -1), 36))

Edit: here is a modified version of your code:

def f(M):
    results = []
    n = M.nrows()
    j = 0
    for t in Tuples((1,-1), n^2):
        a = matrix(n, n, t)
        if j % 10000 == 0:
        j += 1
        if 3*a^2 == M:
            # if you want to stop after finding one solution, you could add "break" here to stop the loop.

You can then call f(M) for any given matrix M. It prints something after every 10,000 matrices, and it saves the results and returns them at the end.