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Let's use sets. Matrices must be made "immutable" to be members of sets, so:

B_list = [random_matrix(ZZ, 3) for n in range(8)]
for b in B_list:
B = set(B_list)

A_list = B_list[:5]
A = set(A_list)

A combination of size 1 is just an element of the set, or if you like, Y will range over all subsets of B of size 1. Then we can choose X to range over all size 3 subsets of A but with Y removed:

for y in B:
    X = Combinations(A.difference(set([y]))
    for x in X:
        # now combine the combination x with the matrix y however you would like
        print(x, y)

You can also form a set of these combinations and update it with a new set formed with x and y — a set since presumably you don't care about the order among y and the elements of x. Since sets ignore duplicates, you will only get unique combinations.

Let's use sets. Matrices must be made "immutable" to be members of sets, so:

B_list = [random_matrix(ZZ, 3) for n in range(8)]
for b in B_list:
B = set(B_list)

A_list = B_list[:5]
A = set(A_list)

A combination of size 1 is just an element of the set, or if you like, Y will range over all subsets of B of size 1. Then we can choose X to range over all size 3 subsets of A but with Y removed:

for y in B:
    X = Combinations(A.difference(set([y]))
Combinations(A.difference(set([y]), 3)
    for x in X:
        # now combine the combination x with the matrix y however you would like
        print(x, y)

You can also form a set of these combinations and update it with a new set formed with x and y — a set since presumably you don't care about the order among y and the elements of x. Since sets ignore duplicates, you will only get unique combinations.

Let's use sets. Matrices must be made "immutable" to be members of sets, so:

B_list = [random_matrix(ZZ, 3) for n in range(8)]
for b in B_list:
B = set(B_list)

A_list = B_list[:5]
A = set(A_list)

A combination of size 1 is just an element of the set, or if you like, Y will range over all subsets of B of size 1. Then we can choose X to range over all size 3 subsets of A but with Y removed:

for y in B:
    X = Combinations(A.difference(set([y]), Combinations(A.difference(set([y])), 3)
    for x in X:
        # now combine the combination x with the matrix y however you would like
        print(x, y)

You can also form a set of these combinations and update it with a new set formed with x and y — a set since presumably you don't care about the order among y and the elements of x. Since sets ignore duplicates, you will only get unique combinations.