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Elements of QQbar are not stored with a radical expression (those are note symbolic expressions), but with their minimal polynomial and some box around the correct root as you suggests (lazily).

Note that this representation does not allow constant-time operations since the degree of the polynomial might grow fast and the location of the root might require more and more précision.

Elements of QQbar are not stored with a radical expression (those are note symbolic expressions), but with their minimal polynomial and some box around the correct root as you suggests (lazily).

Note that this representation does not allow constant-time operations since the degree of the polynomial might grow fast and the location of the root might require more and more précision.precision.

Elements of QQbar are not stored with a radical as an expression involving radicals (those are note not symbolic expressions), but with their minimal polynomial and some box around the correct root as you suggests (lazily).

Note that this representation does not allow constant-time operations since the degree of the polynomial might grow and the location of the root might require more and more precision.