1 | initial version |
nothing to do with sagecell, it can be reproduced in Sage:
(enter the above as one line). So that's a bug in Sage's GAP pexpect interface. More specifically, it's in a feature that switches to using temp files for interaction as soon as lines are "too long"
sage: gap._eval_using_file_cutoff
sage: gap._eval_using_file_cutoff=2000
sage: gap._eval_using_file_cutoff
sage: gap.eval('LoadPackage("qpa");;Q:=Quiver(3,[[1,2,"a"],
'<GF(3)[<quiver with 3 vertices and 2 arrows>]/\n<two-sided ideal in <GF(3)[<quiver with 3 vertices and 2 arrows>]>, \n (1 generators)>>'