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The Sage-Windows installer so far only provides SageMath 9.3.

For SageMath on Windows, I would say your choices are currently

  1. Use SageMath 9.3 (or 9.2 if your computer has trouble with 9.3) from the Sage-Windows installer.

  2. Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (also known as WSL), following


    Then you can install a Linux distribution of your choice using WSL, and use any way of installing SageMath that works with that Linux distribution, for example

    • using a package from that Linux distribution
    • using Conda
    • installing from source

    One benefit is you might get a faster Sage that way.

  3. Install Cygwin and build Sage from source there.

    See the instructions at

  4. Sponsor the work of E. M. Bray who prepares the Sage-Windows installers.


    That might speed up the next release.