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What about :

sage: import numpy
sage: my_exp=integral(sin(x),x)
sage: f=fast_callable(my_exp.substitute_function({sin:numpy.sin, cos:numpy.cos}), vars=[x])
sage: z=numpy.linspace(0,10,5)
sage: %time f(z)
CPU times: user 47 µs, sys: 0 ns, total: 47 µs
Wall time: 51.5 µs
array([-1.        ,  0.80114362, -0.28366219, -0.34663532,  0.83907153])
sage: lz=list(map(SR, z))
sage: time list(map(sin, lz))
CPU times: user 154 µs, sys: 0 ns, total: 154 µs
Wall time: 159 µs

A "general sage-numpy dictionary" could be prepared and used at will (could even be packaged or Sage patched to include it).

Alternativelty, fast_callable could be adapted to accept sage's equivalent of standard numpy functions...


What about :

sage: import numpy
sage: my_exp=integral(sin(x),x)
sage: f=fast_callable(my_exp.substitute_function({sin:numpy.sin, cos:numpy.cos}), vars=[x])
sage: z=numpy.linspace(0,10,5)
sage: %time f(z)
CPU times: user 47 µs, sys: 0 ns, total: 47 µs
Wall time: 51.5 µs
array([-1.        ,  0.80114362, -0.28366219, -0.34663532,  0.83907153])
sage: lz=list(map(SR, z))
sage: time list(map(sin, lz))
CPU times: user 154 µs, sys: 0 ns, total: 154 µs
Wall time: 159 µs

A "general sage-numpy dictionary" could be prepared and used at will (could even be packaged or Sage patched to include it).

Alternativelty, fast_callable could be adapted to accept sage's equivalent of standard numpy functions...functions, for example by buildind a Sage->numpy [ExpressionTreeWalker]( (a reveres numpy->Sage converter might be harder to build...)...