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I found a solution, installing the package for ipython itikz from there and also installing pdf2svgfrom here. Then you can run in a cell %load_ext itikz and after, in another cell, write

%%itikz \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz-cd} \usepackage{adjustbox} \begin{document} \adjustbox{scale=3,center}{% \begin{tikzcd} X \arrow[r, hook] \arrow[dr, dashrightarrow] & \bar{X} \arrow[d]\\ & Y \end{tikzcd} } \end{document}

and it works perfectly.

I found a solution, installing the package for ipython itikz from there and also installing pdf2svgfrom here. Then you can run in a cell %load_ext itikz and after, in another cell, write

    X \arrow[r, hook] \arrow[dr, dashrightarrow]
    & \bar{X} \arrow[d]\\
    & Y

and it works perfectly.

I found a solution, installing the package for ipython itikz from there and also installing pdf2svgfrom here. Then you can run in a cell %load_ext itikz and after, in another cell, write

    X \arrow[r, hook] \arrow[dr, dashrightarrow]
    & \bar{X} \arrow[d]\\
    & Y

and it works perfectly.

P.S.: be careful, if you are using sagemath from a binary (not installed in the system) then the above packages must be installed with sage -pip install instead of just pip install.