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initial version

On my machine, running Sage 9.4, i see no problem in the relative ordering:

[34, 42, 58, 66]
sage: expr.coefficients()
[-2, 2*w3, -2, -2*w3 - 2]
sage: expr.monomials()
[v3[34], v3[42], v3[58], v3[66]]

However, the documentation of those methods are clear that the list is returned in an arbitrary order, so that we can not rely on that.

According to git blame + git trac find, you should find more details on trac ticket 18066

The sage: monomial_coefficients method suggested by @john-palmieri is the way to go as it returns a dict which links the elements of the support with the corresponding coefficients:

sage: expr.monomial_coefficients()
{34: -2, 42: 2*w3, 58: -2, 66: -2*w3 - 2}
click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

On my machine, running Sage 9.4, i see no problem in the relative ordering:

[34, 42, 58, 66]
sage: expr.coefficients()
[-2, 2*w3, -2, -2*w3 - 2]
sage: expr.monomials()
[v3[34], v3[42], v3[58], v3[66]]

However, the documentation of those methods are clear that the list is returned in an arbitrary order, so that we can not rely on that.

According to git blame + git trac find, you should find more details on trac ticket 18066

The sage: monomial_coefficients method suggested by @john-palmieri is the way to go as it returns a dict which links the elements of the support with the corresponding coefficients:

sage: expr.monomial_coefficients()
{34: -2, 42: 2*w3, 58: -2, 66: -2*w3 - 2}

or simply:

sage: dict(expr)
{34: -2, 42: 2*w3, 58: -2, 66: -2*w3 - 2}