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Here is a slightly convoluted way to work around the current implementation defects.

sage: sage: list(prod((a^b for a, b in zip(H.gens(), h.list())), for h in H)
[1, f^2, f^4]

Here is The current implementation has some defects

  • elements of H have G as their parent
  • but they display in terms of a generator of H

Find below a slightly convoluted way to work around around this.

Define G and H:

sage: n = 7
sage: Zn = Zmod(n)
sage: G = Zn.unit_group()
sage: f = G.gen()
sage: H = G.subgroup([f^2])

List the current implementation defects.

sage: sage: elements of H (this displays using a different f):

sage: Hlist = list(H)
sage: Hlist
[1, f, f^2]

List the elements of H expressed in G:

sage: HlistG = list(prod((a^b for a, b in zip(H.gens(), h.list())), for h in H)
sage: HlistG
[1, f^2, f^4]

Get their values in Zn:

sage: HlistZn = [h.value() for h in HlistG]
sage: HlistZn
[1, 2, 4]

The current implementation has some defects

  • elements of H have G as their parent
  • but they display in terms of a generator of H

Find below a slightly convoluted way to work around this.

Define G and H:

sage: n = 7
sage: Zn = Zmod(n)
sage: G = Zn.unit_group()
sage: f = G.gen()
sage: H = G.subgroup([f^2])

List the elements of H (this displays using a different f):

sage: Hlist = list(H)
sage: Hlist
[1, f, f^2]

List the elements of H expressed in G:

sage: HlistG = list(prod((a^b for a, b in zip(H.gens(), h.list())), for h in H)
sage: HlistG
[1, f^2, f^4]

Get their values in Zn:

sage: HlistZn = [h.value() for h in HlistG]
sage: HlistZn
[1, 2, 4]

I opened a ticket to make this happen more naturally:

The current

Going through the group of units

This implementation has some defectssuffers from the defect that

  • elements of H have G as their parent
  • but they display in terms of a generator of H

Find below Here is a slightly convoluted way to work around this.

Define G and H:

sage: n = 7
sage: Zn = Zmod(n)
sage: G = Zn.unit_group()
sage: f = G.gen()
sage: H = G.subgroup([f^2])

List the elements of H (this displays using a different f):

sage: Hlist = list(H)
sage: Hlist
[1, f, f^2]

List the elements of H expressed in G:

sage: HlistG = list(prod((a^b for a, b in zip(H.gens(), h.list())), for h in H)
sage: HlistG
[1, f^2, f^4]

Get their values in Zn:

sage: HlistZn = [h.value() for h in HlistG]
sage: HlistZn
[1, 2, 4]

I opened a ticket to make this happen more naturally:

Direct access to generating sets for subgroups

The cyclic ring also has a method multiplicative_subgroups.

That method lists generating tuples for its multiplicative subgroups:

sage: n = 7
sage: Zn = Zmod(n)
sage: Sub = Zn.multiplicative_subgroups()
sage: Sub
((3,), (2,), (6,), ())

Sadly they do not give a hold on the subgroups as such.

sage: H = Sub[1]
sage: H
sage: parent(H)
<class 'tuple'>

Neither do the generators for these subgroups have these subgroups as parents.

Instead, they are simply elements of the initial cyclic ring.

sage: h = H[0]
sage: parent(h)
Ring of integers modulo 7