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The basic answer to "where can I find the documentation" is to use Sage's introspection: that is, evaluate g.matplotlib?. This method is also in the reference manual: The ref manual entry is the same thing that you get from g.matplotlib?, and it also accessible from within Sage by running browse_sage_doc(g.matplotlib).

The basic answer to "where can I find the documentation" is to use Sage's introspection: that is, evaluate g.matplotlib?. This method is also in the reference manual: The ref manual entry is the same thing that you get from g.matplotlib?, and it also accessible from within Sage by running browse_sage_doc(g.matplotlib) or help(g.matplotlib).

The basic answer to "where can I find the documentation" is to use Sage's introspection: that is, evaluate g.matplotlib?. This method is also in the reference manual: The ref manual entry is the same thing that you get from g.matplotlib?, and it also accessible from within Sage by running browse_sage_doc(g.matplotlib) or help(g.matplotlib).: same information, just formatted differently.